This year was the first year that Saxon could really get into coloring Easter Eggs.
When I say "get into it,"
I mean it literally.
His hands are still dyed in kinds of colors.
That's why he had to wear his apron.
Even my table is permanently Easter egg colored...
When I say "get into it,"
I mean it literally.
His hands are still dyed in kinds of colors.
That's why he had to wear his apron.
Even my table is permanently Easter egg colored...
So, he kept tossing the already colored eggs,
back into the cups.
which he was very disappointed about.
He settled for chewing on his shirt instead.
Notice all the variations of blue?
That was his favorite color to keep re-dunking the eggs in.
After each bite he would either:
1. drool it out and laugh
2. lean forward and spit it onto his toes
3. blow bubbles and spray it all over me
4. stick his hands in his mouth and rub it all over.
1. drool it out and laugh
2. lean forward and spit it onto his toes
3. blow bubbles and spray it all over me
4. stick his hands in his mouth and rub it all over.
Because of his cute little game,
we had to:
1. change his outfit
2. bathe the baby
3. mop the floor
4. change mom's clothes also
Thanks Bridger.
Saxon's job was to find all the yellow eggs.
Jeff kept reaching in his bucket and re-hiding the yellow eggs so Saxon's hunt could go on and on...
Jeff kept reaching in his bucket and re-hiding the yellow eggs so Saxon's hunt could go on and on...
Saxon is now in his bed watching a movie.
He keeps coming out every 10 minutes to see if the Easter Bunny is here yet.
When I finally thought he was asleep,
I went to check on him.
He is sitting up in bed,
still watching his movie,
helping himself to ALL of the Easter candy
that he got at Megan's today.
No wonder he was so quiet...
I had already posted, but I had to add this in.
As I was finishing up this post, Saxon yells:
-Mommy! Oh man.
~Oh man what?
-Oh man chocolate in bed!
-Oh man Bridger awake too!
And this is what I found...
It is now 11:00 p.m.
How do I begin to clean this mess up?
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