Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rock Climbing

Last night, we decided to go rock climbing for family home evening.
Mike came with us and took pictures with his phone for me since I left my camera in the car.

This is Nate getting Bridger all hooked up:

It turns out, he's a little young for rock climbing.
After not getting very far climbing, he gave up and just sat back in his harness.
Then he just laughed and laughed because it was like a swing...

Saxon, however, was a natural.
He is almost big enough for a real harness.
Nate put it on him and just strapped him in really tight.
He climbed right up the side of the mountain so fast that we hardly got any pictures.
He did it 4 or 5 times and Nate was so proud of him.

And here I am restraining Bridger...

The hardest part of the whole thing was keeping Bridger in one place.
He was dying to run up and down the side of the mountain and throw rocks at Nate.
He is so busy!
Next year he'll be able to do more rock climbing :)

1 comment:

Amber said...

Wow! I am so impressed your boys are rock climbing already. Even if Bridger didn't quite get the idea at least he was willing to be in the harness and try. I can hardly get Van to put on a shirt and pants lately. I laughed when I saw the quality of Mike's phone camera pictures, they are better than my real camera pictures ha ha. Nice phone!