Sunday, September 5, 2010

End of Summer...

This weekend is Labor Day Weekend which means the official end of summer around here.
I'm so sad! I LOVE summertime!
Here's some things happening around here:

Bridger can talk.
He has finally decided to start speaking instead of acting everything out.
Now that he is talking, he comes up with the funniest things. I love it!
He also thinks that he should be allowed to swim without floaties since Saxon does.
He is doing so good with his potty training too...we're not there yet, but we're making progress.
He doesn't like nursery anymore, but is dying to go to primary with Saxon.
He's officially decided that he's big until he wants a bottle, then he tells me "me baby."
He is becoming so funny! He's different than Saxon, but just as funny.
He says "na-na-na-na" every time Saxon gets in trouble to tease him.
Every time I ask him if we should bring home a new baby he says "nope."
Check out his chubs in these pictures:
I could just squeeze and kiss him all day long!

Saxon really is getting's happening too fast.
He is starting pre-school next week.
He learned to swim on his own.
In fact, yesterday he said "Mom watch!" and did a few lengths of backstroke. I was so impressed!
He uses mouth wash...he asked Nate to buy it and faithfully rinses every night.
Every week after primary he tells me that he didn't learn anything, then last night he sang "As I have Loved You" and did it all in sign language too. Apparently he is learning something.
He loves country music and sings along and dances to Sugarland and Carrie Underwood.
If I do something nice for him he says "Aww, thanks Mom! You're such a sweet guy!"
He understands that the baby is coming and is really excited. It's so cute!
Brittany took him to run errands the other day and he told her he was craving "fishy tacos." (talk about opinionated :)
Here's my big guy:

The Garden:
We're still getting lots of veggies from our garden and it's been so fun!
Nate's been picking the corn and finding "corn worms" for the kids.
We have a MILLION hot peppers so Gregor and Joy came over and made salsa for us.
The kids beg to go to the garden and love to help carry everything back.
We've got some cute little pumpkins out there that should be ready soon.
We're keeping our fingers crossed for a mild fall so our garden will last as long as possible.

I've never canned anything before, but it seemed like a good idea since our garden is doing so well.
We had a bunch of tomatoes that I didn't want to go bad, and I bought a box of local peaches at a greenhouse down the street. They turned out to be some of the best peaches I've ever had! So, Nate borrowed a pressure cooker and an instruction book from Jared and Janalee and we've been working on it all day. After a full day of work and a few phone calls to Jared & Janalee for advice, we went from this:

to this:

to this:
I'm really excited about it! We also did tomatoes today, and we're going to do Gregor & Joy's salsa tomorrow. Hopefully we'll have more tomatoes to can as they ripen on our garden. We had a few peaches left over after so we also made some peach jam. I guess it's Nate's favorite. I'm looking everywhere for good berries too because I want to attempt raspberry/jalenpeno jam. I know it sounds gross (I think it sounds gross) but Gregor says it's good. As long as I have tons of hot peppers, I've got to figure out something to do with them. We need to start checking out all of the farmers markets in town.

September 5th:
Today is September 5th which means it is one week from my due date. I could have been induced today if I wanted to, but it's Nathan's birthday (Happy Birthday Nathan!) and since he already shares his birthday with a cousin, he felt like the day was getting a little crowded. I agree, so we're waiting :) Plus, my mom doesn't get into town to watch my kids until later this week. Everyday that passes I'm relived that I didn't go into labor (because Britt & Mike are out of town and my mom isn't here yet) and also disappointed that I didn't go into labor because I am exhausted. Also, Nate's next day off isn't until Wednesday, so I have to at least make it until then. It's going to be a long week...

1 comment:

Brooke Butler said...

Sounds like everything is going really well for you guys(: I'm so excited Bridger is talking more, I can't wait for winter break to stay with you guys and the new little one. I love you and miss you all so much <3