Saturday, June 11, 2011

Uncle Kenny's Cabin

Kenny & Lisa invited us to come spend the day with them and play with baby Alice.
Kenny & Lisa live in this cute little cabin in the forest.
My kids were in heaven!
Kenny took them on his HUGE tree swing:

Then they all ran around the forest "exploring".

Brookie did baby Alice's hair when we got there.
It was so cute!
Look at her little piggy tails:
Brookie was in charge of the camera, and no matter how hard we tried, we kept getting goofy pictures of Dalton...
Self portrait:

Lisa made the best lunch for us while we were there.
She made vegan fried rice, and salad with carrot-ginger dressing.
My kids gobbled it up.
They LOVED it!
They also loved baby Alice's "ice cream balls" which were actually frozen blueberries :)

After lunch, they made ice cream cones for everyone.
Brookie and I love this picture of Bridger and Alice eating their ice cream.
It looks like a post card :)

Saxon wouldn't sit with Bridger and Alice because they are "the little kids" and he is "big".  So, he sat on the fence with Uncle Kenny instead and ate his ice cream.
We stayed all day and had so much fun!
The kids loved playing with the cats.
Alice had a new baby cat that she called "new kitty" but has since named "egg".
The 3 kids would go shut themselves in Kenny and Lisa's room and play with the kitties.  We would just hear laughing and giggling and talking, and sometimes crying.  Lisa would go in and tell them to say sorry.  They would all three say sorry and then keep on going where ever they had left off.
Kenny and Lisa also have a grouchy cat named "Scratchy".  He lives up to his name.  Even now, whenever my kids get hurt, they come to me and blame Scratchy.  It's so funny!

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