Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Diet Coke

We went to Costco today to re-stock up on watermelon. (We go through so much watermelon at my house!) Nate got a Diet Coke on the way out, which Saxon immediately took possession of. He takes his first sip and says:
"Ahhh, Diet Coke make me feel better, Diet Coke make Saxy sooo happy!"
Great. We're going to have to stop drinking soda around him.


Danny and Becky DuPaix said...

that is so funny! I know how it is, Whenever Judd sees me with a dr pepper he wants a sip.

janalee said...

:) Morgen's obsession with diet coke began a few years ago. She eventually got tired of just one flavor, and moved on to root beer, sprite, and cherry 7-up. I think Saxon's comment was adorable! Definitely something you'll want to tell his kids LOL.

Brittany and Johnse said...

LOL that is such a Saxon comment I LOVE IT!! when I told the kids you guys were coming down soon they got so happy...they can't wait to see the boys :) we are on count down too!!

p.s. - my word verification below is SPANK...hmmm??

lori and clark remington said...

SO CUTE! Shaver lake is almost here...yeah!

Nicole M said...

That is so adorable! I remember Mikayla taking her first accidental sip (thinking it was juice when we weren't looking) and she liked it a little too much. Saxon is so cute...he says the funniest thing at such a young age.