Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bridger's Christmas Program

On Friday, Bridger had his preschool Christmas program.
Bridger didn't see his teacher right away when we walked in, and he immediately decided that he was NOT going to participate.  Finally, Ms. Nettie got there and bribed him with four pieces of candy if he would do it :) 

So he did, but this is what he thought about it: 

Finally a smile!
I think this was after they sang "Thriller Snowman" because that is his favorite song.

Shaking his jingle bells.
This was one of only two songs that he participated in.
Bridger is really shy, and instead of just acting shy, he acts grouchy.
So, I was really thrilled that he went up there (even if he glared at me for most of the time) because it was really out of his comfort zone.
Bridger really goes to the best preschool EVER!
They go all out for everything!

I love this face!
The last time he saw Santa, he wouldn't go near him, so once again, he was being very brave!
We're so proud of Bridger!!!

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