Since my Mom and Grandma have been in town, I moved all of the bath toys into my bathtub so that they didn't have to deal them. Saxon likes my bathtub because its bigger than his and has more things to get into. He can play in the bath for hours. I usually make him get out by the time he reaches 2 hours because the water is too cold. The other day, he suddenly got really quiet, so I went in to check on him.
-"Mom! Get out. Don't look at my business!"
~You're business?
-"Yeah. Get out of my business."
~Why don't you show me your business and I can decide.
He pulled out from behind his back, my razor, and Nate's razor.
~What are you doing with those?
-"Shaving my legs."
~Boys don't shave their legs.
-"Yes them do! I have spikes. I don't like spiky legs."
~Daddy has hairy legs.
-"I don't have hairy legs. Look..."
Sure enough, he shaved his legs from ankle to hip.
On Saturday, we went to go see Brittany! The boys were SO EXCITED that she lives here again! Johnse let him play with a bunch of the toys while they unpacked. He tried out the rollerblades, and fell in love with the snorkeling set. Brittany let him borrow it because he cried so hard about taking it off.
On Sunday, we got the kids up and ready for church. Just as it was time to go, Saxon decides that he's not going. After arguing and threatening, we compromised that he could bring the snorkel, as long as he was REALLY good in church.
They asked Nate to pass the sacrament this Sunday, and the kids were SO SAD that he couldn't sit with us. So, Saxon strapped on his full snorkel outfit (flippers, goggles, snorkel) and dove over me to chase Nate down while he was doing the sacrament. I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud that I ended up almost crying instead. Some people laughed, and some gave me that horrified "what kind of parent are you" look.
After the sacrament, Saxon settled back down and was really good for the rest of the meeting. Then, just as it's time for Sunbeams, he decides that he can't go unless can wear his snorkel. So he did. I didn't even care. I would rather have him go happily, than fight him about it every week. That is why sometimes he is Batman, sometimes he is Woody, and on Sunday, he was Scuba Steve. I told his teacher that if he was naughty or distracting, that she could come get me and I would take away the snorkel. It turns out that he kept his promise and was really good.
When we got home, I asked him what people thought about him going to Sunbeams in his snorkel. He told me, "Them thought, 'Cool snorkel Saxy.'" :)
1 week ago
What a character!! I'm glad you can laugh at'll be a great story to tell his wife someday!!
Oh my gosh!! How funny! Good thing he didn't get hurt. He is going to love all of these stories someday.
I'm glad he didn't cut himself shaving ;0. Your boys are so lucky to have you as their mom!
Always love your stories. You definately have very active boys. You are a great mom. I wish we could see your family a little more.
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