Monday, September 5, 2011

Soccer Game #5

This was our favorite soccer game so far because we played the team with all of our friends and neighbors.  The kids were so excited to see all of their primary friends and would get so caught up talking to them on the field, that they would forget to play :)

We also had team pictures.
True to form, Saxon smiled when they said "smile" and they took one picture and were done.
Bridger said "cheese" all over the place and would look everywhere except the camera.  Pretty soon all of the assistants and all of the parents are jumping around trying to get Bridger's attention, but he's cheesing in all the wrong directions.  They finally snapped one (we'll see how it turns out...) and moved on to team pictures.
Same story...all of the kids looked at the camera and smiled except Bridger.
He was picking the grass.
Finally, he frowned at the camera and they took it.
Oh well, we'll always laugh about it when  we see the picture :)

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