I think my boys are hilarious! Really, truly, very funny. I think it's one of their talents. Saxon's teacher tells me all the time how much she loves having him in class because he is SO FUNNY! Here's a few examples:
Saxon's preschool had a free eye exam for all the kids. The guy in charge of the exam sang a song to the kids to get them excited. I guess the song was kind of lame because as soon as he finished Saxon says "Well that wasn't even funny!" His teacher said it was hilarious because all of the other kids laughed politely but Saxon had to say it like it is. She said she was trying so hard not to laugh.
After preschool on Friday Saxon's teacher told me that he had to sit in the time out chair for a minute because he wasn't being a good listener. I asked him what happened and he said "Mom, Ms. Jennifer was being so naughty in school today. She was using her mean voice!" I asked what he did when she asked him to sit in the time out chair and he said "I gave her really mean faces like this..." I had to laugh! He even admitted that he wasn't being a good listener.
On Sunday, Saxon kept trying to get out of going to church by telling me that he didn't feel good. When we got there, he just laid his head on Nate's lap and said his whole body hurt. I decided to take him and Dalton home, but leave Bridger and Nate there for the rest of the meeting. Bridger kept begging Nate to take him home too. Nate said no, so pretty soon Bridger lays on the ground moaning that his tummy hurts. He kept trying to convince Nate that he was definitely too sick for nursery. Nate laughed and text me. Since that wasn't working, he decided to take off his clothes, at which point, Nate took him home. l
Once we were all home, Bridger brought out a handful of sunglasses from his room and put a pair on each of us, telling us "let's all be dudes." Once we were all "dudes", he said "Peace out Girl Scout" and walked out.
Later, while I was taking care of Saxon and Nate was cleaning up dinner, Bridger decides to go skateboarding around the house. I wasn't really paying attention, but then I see Bridger go zooming by me, standing on the skateboard and Mike caught him in midair right before the skateboard collided with the wall. Luckily Mike caught him because the skateboard hit with enough force to leave a huge dent in the wall. I can only imagine what it would have done to Bridger if he had hit the wall too. But, it didn't scare him because he just said "Whoa" and then got back on the skateboard and headed toward a different wall.
I love my boys! I love having 3 of them too! When Dalton was born, my Grandma Sonnenberg told me that she thought that 3 boys was easier than 2 boys. She said that number 3 would be mellow and happy and would be a distraction for the other 2 so they wouldn't be so wild. She was SO RIGHT! My first 2 are busy, busy, busy all the time, and my little number 3 is mellow and happy and just makes me happy all the time. Three has been so much fun. I love this phase of parenting because I have 3 kids that are all still home with me. Saxon has preschool 3 days a week which is a nice break for him, but other than that, we get them all the time. I think I'm going to be sad when they go to school and I don't get to have them home with me all the time. It's fun to be able to go to the pool or Dinosaur Museum whenever we want. I just love my little guys!
1 week ago
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