Friday, January 8, 2010

Aunt Brookie

While Brookie was in town, the boys favorite game to play with her, was pictures on her computer. I think by the time she left, she had taken over 300 pictures. She sent me a few of her favorites:

I can't help but laugh every time I see these :)

Saxon had taken so many pictures with Aunt Brookie that he figured out how to do it himself.
On New Year's Eve, when Brookie went on her date, I turned my back for one second and Saxon was on the couch with Brookie's computer, taking pictures (sorry Brookie!).

Bubby seemed to think that sticking his tongue out was the perfect pose. As soon as the computer would start counting down, Bridger would stick his tongue out.

Seriously, I could look at these all day long and laugh! Thanks Brookie!


lori and clark remington said...

So cute...what a good aunt! I bet her visit was so much fun!

Amber said...

Ha Ha, they made me laugh and I needed a laugh. Thank you for sharing. I love that computers can take pictures. My favorites are the distortion ones. Although Mike has one that turns you into stick people which is HILARIOUS!

Denise and Brandon said...

Too funny. Hey, where did she get that headband/ear muff thingie? I saw one the other day for the first time and think it's so cute.

The life of MeMe said...

LOVE THIS!!! So cute. Good memories. It's just so unfair that even when her face is distorted, Brooke still looks pretty.

Brittany@Love Stitched said...

Ha ha ha ha I LOVE the one with the finger mustache!! SO cute! I need that tool on my computer!

grammie said...

t hese pictures are the best, you boys sure have a great aunt brookie and i am so glad she got to spend time with boys are soooo cute...

Roy and Jenna Stephenson said...

Priceless photos. We are still smiling~