Last night we went to the Strawberry Days Rodeo!
Saxon wore his cowboy boots and a cowboy hat from Walgreens :)
It was so fun!!!
We had a big group which made it even more fun.
Holly and Bryn came and so did Mike and Mandy.
Nate actually had the day off (amazing) so he could do something with us.
Saxon started getting grumpy by the end, until they brought out the motorcycles.
He was cheering as loud as anyone in the crowd when the guy on the motorcycle did a flip.

We thought Bridger would fall asleep, but instead he just got hyper and giggly.
It was so funny. He kept flirting with the girls sitting behind us.
He was clapping the whole time too, it was so cute!
This is Saxon enjoying the famous "Strawberries and Cream."

Nate and Bridger, and my little cowboy on his 3rd trip to the outhouse.
He kept insisting that he had to poop just to use the outhouse.
He loved the fact that you don't have to flush (gross).
He's such a boy!!!

Holly with Miss B posing in her cowgirl hat and eating some strawberries and cream.

The kids also got to meet the Rodeo Queen and get her autograph.
It was such a fun night, and not too expensive since kids get in free!
I always swore that I would not stay in Utah after I got married, and I would definitely not have kids in Utah. that I still live in Utah, and I have 2 kids in Utah, I've decided that I really love it.
Every week from June-September there are all kinds of fairs and rodeos.
We really love living in Pleasant Grove.
There is so much to do for my kids. We spend all summer outside.
(They still broadcast conference on TV which is kind of convenient too).
We went to Orem Summerfest, Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days, and the Lehi Round-Up Rodeo is next week.
We have a pool and a garden and Saxon is in swimming lessons for only $25, what a deal!
So, I guess we're pretty lucky that we ended up where we were supposed to be instead of where we wanted to be.