Friday, December 5, 2008



Handi Andi said...

It turned out awesome! Am I amazing or what? So if you get super famous and make tons of money off of your blog, will you tell everyone that I taught you to upload a video? And will you take me to dinner at Olive Garden, and pay? Because you will be rich? and I will still be poor? I knew you would. You are such a good friend. Love ya

Brittany and Johnse said...

ya i am so glad you figured it out (it looks like from the help of andi) ;) now i can't wait to see the shake your booty dance...ha ha!

lori and clark remington said...

HI Caitlin,
Saxon is so cute! I love that we can look at him talk! I love your blog. My blog is
Check it out!
Love, Aunt Lori