Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cookie Magazine

Joanna from A CUP OF JO posted about us on Cookie Magazine! I'll have to print it out and save it for Saxon. Click on the link to see it...


Brooke Butler said...

That is so exciting Cait! The party was adorable (:

Heather Strong said...

That is so cool! What an adorable party you had!

lori and clark remington said...

I am so proud of you and how creative you were for his birthday! I think it turned out amazing. I can't believe it is getting on so many blogs...way to go. I thought I was so clever with cailey's fairy tea party and this is even more decorated for the theme!

lori and clark remington said...

Hi Cait,
My pictures from Cailey's fairy tea party are on my the side bar for January or February and you will find her tea party! That would be so great if she put them on her blog...I could also email her pictures...let her know!