Today is January 31, 2009, so...
Happy 6 months to my
Bridger Bug!
Happy 6 months to my
Bridger Bug!
-Adores playing with balls, rattles, and squeaky toys - CHECK (notice the football in the pictures?)
-Usually sleeps through the night - I wish! It's only getting worse...
-Usually begins teething - not yet (thankfully, since I'm still nursing)
-May prefer some foods to others - Yes, remember the rice cereal pictures? It was definitely not his favorite. He loves pizza crust though!
-May enjoy playing with food - CHECK, esp. spitting/spraying it back at us. He thinks it's hilarious!
-Loves games like "peek-a-boo" - I think so, he loves "5 little piggies" and "itsy bitsy spider". He loves to pretend to be shy when people are paying attention to him. It's his way of flirting :)
-Babbles, squeals, and jabbers - CHECK, esp. the squeals. He fake coughs too to get our attention. He can't let his big brother out-do him!
-Begins to sit alone - piece of cake...he's been sitting on his own for weeks!
-Continues to use motions leading to crawling - Crawling? I sure hope not. I'm not ready for that yet! Saxon crawled way too soon, I'm hoping Bridger will wait a little while.
I love you Bridger!