Monday, February 2, 2009

The Potty Piggy

You want to know the going rate for success in our house:
1 penny
in the Potty Piggy Bank.

Saxon picked our his own Potty Piggy today
and for 3 pennies,
he pooped 3 times in the potty!


Brittany and Johnse said...

I am sooooo proud of him!! he is so smart and doing so well with all this potty training (even though on some days it may not seem like it) he really is doing so good!!

Angela said...

Nice work! I'm glad that hes back on track... if you keep this up hes gonna be rich someday!!

Handi Andi said...

Yeah Saxon! Yeah Caitlin! I like your new profile pic. You are so cute!

lori and clark remington said...

Way to go Saxon...Cailtin you are such an amazing mother!